
S3Standardispricedat$0.023perGBforthefirst50TBstoredpermonth,droppingto$0.022perGBforthenext450TB,then$0.021perGBforanythingover ...,按使用量付費。沒有最低收費。AmazonS3成本元件包括儲存定價、請求和資料擷取定價、資料傳輸和傳輸加速定價、資料管理和洞察功能定價、複寫定價,以及轉換和查詢功能 ...,2024年2月1日—PricingforS3Standard·Storage:$0.023perGBforthefirst50TB,$0.022perGBforthenext450TB,$0.021pe...

The Ultimate Guide to S3 Pricing

S3 Standard is priced at $0.023 per GB for the first 50 TB stored per month, dropping to $0.022 per GB for the next 450 TB, then $0.021 per GB for anything over ...

Amazon S3 Simple Storage Service 定價

按使用量付費。沒有最低收費。Amazon S3 成本元件包括儲存定價、請求和資料擷取定價、資料傳輸和傳輸加速定價、資料管理和洞察功能定價、複寫定價,以及轉換和查詢功能 ...

Understanding Amazon S3 Pricing

2024年2月1日 — Pricing for S3 Standard · Storage: $0.023 per GB for the first 50 TB, $0.022 per GB for the next 450 TB, $0.021 per GB for storage over 500 TB.

AWS Pricing Calculator

AWS Pricing Calculator lets you explore AWS services, and create an estimate for the cost of your use cases on AWS.

5 Components of AWS S3 Storage Pricing

AWS S3 uses a pay-per-use pricing model, with no upfront charges and no minimum fee. The more storage you use, the lower the AWS S3 costs will typically be per ...

Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3)

Prices are based on the region of your Amazon S3 bucket. When you begin to estimate the cost of Amazon S3, consider the following: Storage class: Amazon S3 ...

Cloud storage pricing that is 80% less than Amazon S3

Wasabi Hot Cloud Storage is priced at $.0068 per GB/month ($6.99 per TB/month). Unlike Amazon S3 and comparable services. Find out how here.

Amazon S3 定价

S3 免费套餐现已在由西云数据运营的亚马逊云科技中国(宁夏)区域和由光环数据运营的亚马逊云科技中国(北京)区域推出。该免费套餐包括每月5GB 标准存储、20000 个Get ...

Amazon S3 Pricing

S3 Intelligent-Tiering Storage, Frequent Access Tier, ¥ 0.1755 per GB, ¥ 0.1719 per GB, ¥ 0.1629 per GB ; S3 Intelligent-Tiering Storage, Infrequent Access Tier ...

The No BS Guide To Understanding S3 Storage Costs (2024)

2023年7月21日 — Pricing for Amazon S3 Standard Storage is tiered; you pay $0.023 per GB per month for the first 50 TB per month. The Next 450 TB tier starts at ...